
[palemki workshop ]

We’re at the end of Week I of Corona Virus self isolation and today I hosted a Palemki making workshop from my living room to around 70 people across the world. It was organised with my dance group Orleta and Ognisko, a Polish club in West London, as an opportunity to stay connected with our respective communities as well as keeping us occupied at this weird and difficult time.

Palemki are a traditional Polish Folk decoration made for Palm Sunday (which happens to be next week). They are made as offerings to take to church. We used to make them as Polish girl scouts here in London and then sell them to raise funds!

If you missed the online workshop you can re-watch it on the dance group’s Facebook page!


[ p a l e m k i … ]

… are a traditional Polish Folk decoration made for Palm Sunday (which happens to be next week). Palemki would be made as offerings to take to church. We used to make them as Polish girl scouts here in London and then sell them to raise funds.

If you missed the online workshop you can re-watch it on the dance group’s Facebook page!

A few years ago I photographed some palemki and a step by step guide on how to make them with Malcolm Menzies for 91 Magazine. I thought it would be useful to repost them here to follow up from the online workshop. Send me any pictures of your creations and I’ll share on my Instagram! Lx